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พระครูวิมลคุณากร หรือ หลวงปู่ศุข เกิดเมื่อปีพ.ศ.2396 แถบวัดปากคลองมะขามเฒ่า ท่านได้รับการถ่ายทอดวิชาความรู้จาก หลวงพ่อเชย ผู้ทรงคุณทั้งด้านวิปัสสนาธุระและวิทยาคมเข้มขลังนัก พร้อมกับ พระอาจารย์เปิง วัดชินวนาราม และ หลวงปู่เฒ่า วัดหงษ์ จังหวัดปทุมธานี ซึ่งเป็นศิษย์ในสายหลวงพ่อเชย วัดโพธิ์ทองล่าง เช่นกัน
หลวงปู่ศุขมรณภาพเมื่อปีพ.ศ.2467 ด้วยโรคชรา
Luang Phu Sukh, is considered one of the Greatest Master Monks in the History of Thai Buddhism, and is believed to have possessed the most powerful sychic abilities, and magical mastery, able to perform amazing miracles. Luang Phu Sukh was born in the year 2390 BE, towards the end of the Reign of His Majesty Rama 5. Luang Phu Sukh, was ordained as a Bhikkhu at the age of 22, at Wat Po Tong Lang Nontaburi. LP Sukh’s Upachaya Ordaining Officer, was Luang Por Pra Atigarn Cheuy Jantasiri, Abott of Wat Po Tong Lang. He then stayed on at first at the temple, to acquire his initial training from Pra Atigarn Cheuy, developing the methods of Vipassana Kammathana, and Kasina Elemental Meditation.
After a while, Luang Phu Sukh was able to separate and control each of the ten elemental and formless objects of Kasina Meditation, and Mastered the control of Elemental Magick. After Mastering these techniques, he traveled on to stay at Wat Sam Ngam Patumwan, to study Pariyatti Dhamma (academics), in order to increase his level of understanding of the more subtle aspects to observe using the Dhamma Eye, when looking within the 5 aggregates in Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation, which of course gives rise to psychic powers as a side-effect of the Enlightenment Process.
It was here that he met up with the great Luang Por Ngern, of Wat Bang Klan (Wat Kongkaram), in Pijit, and learn some Wicha with him too. Moving onwards to stay at Wat Chana Songkram in Bangkok, Luang Phu Sukh then practised mastering these more subtle techniques of applying magical Wicha. Luang Phu Sukh thereafter went to develop Wicha at Wat Plab, the temple where all great Masters of History have passed through to pass the test of Mastery of the five raptures meditation, and gain the power to bless amulets with truly powerful Magic.
It is said that it was here at Wat Plab, under tutelage of Pra Sangkarach Maekh, that Luang Phu Sukh performed a Miracle by performing a triple incantatiion upon 3 Banana Tree Flowers, and pointing his wooden staff at them, the flower then turned into a pile of rabbits.
Apart from this, Luang Phu Sukh also learned and mastered Wicha Len Prae Taat Elemental and Alchemical Magic, and Magickal metallurgy, with the Great Luang Phu Tap of Wat Anongkaram (Master of Alchemy and maker of one of the top ten Pra Pid Ta, and Cast Metallurgical Amulets of all time). Luang Phu Sukh at this time also stayed with Somdej Puttajarn Nuam, who was simultaneously developing his Wicha, and was also a born local of Chainat, the Province where LP Sukh was born.
Luang Phu Sukh Mastered the Wicha Maekasit Alchemical Mercurial Alloy making methods for Sacred Amulets, which is known to have the power to turn bad things into good things, and change one’s luck and fate, improving one’s fortunes. The Wicha Len prae Taat of Luang Phu Sukh is hence derived from the Wicha of Luang Por Tap of Wat Anongkaram and the Grimoires of that Temple Lineage. Luang Phu Sukh Liked to travel in solitary or in unison on Tudong in the forests and jungles of Siam in those days, and hence got to cross paths with many great Tudong Masters, along the secret paths within the forest which Monks take. He gathered a massive ciompendium of Wicha and mastered them in his solitary forest and cave meditations. But the temple was in a terrible state of disrepair on his arrival, that it was impossible to repair anymore.
So Luang Phu Sukh decided to begin anew the construction of a completely new temple, with new buildings, to replace the unrepairable edifices. The temple was given official recognition and registered as Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao in the year 2447 BE, as Luang Phu Sukh was still liviing, fulfilling his great achievement within his own lifetime. Luang Phu Sukh managed to build various extra edifices for the temple before he passed, such as the Uposatha Shrine-Room, Sala Bprian Dhammma Study Hall, Kuti Huts for Monks, and other important shrines and statues. It was during this time, that it is said that Luang Phu Sukh developed the natural ability and power, to change the elemental constitution of material objects, and to be able to bring things to life from inanimate objects, as well as breathe underwater.
Luang Phu Sukh’s Powerful Magic, and Psychic Abilities, and Powerful Spellcasting, was renowned around the Nation.

เหรียญหล่อหลวงปู่ศุข พิมพ์ประภามณฑล ข้างรัศมี
เหรียญรูปเหมือนหลวงปู่ศุข ปี 2466