แนะนำ/ศึกษา วัตถุมงคล
วัดมหาวัน เป็นวัดราษฎร์สังกัดคณะสงฆ์ฝ่ายมหานิกาย ตั้งอยู่ในตำบลในเมือง อำเภอเมืองลำพูน จังหวัดลำพูน
วัดมหาวัน หรือ วัดมหาวันวนาราม ตั้งวัดเมื่อ พ.ศ. 1200 เป็นพระอารามหลวงของพระนางจามเทวี พระนางได้นำพระศิลามาประดิษฐานไว้ด้วย เป็นศิลาจารึกหินทรายรูปใบเสมาใหญ่ อักษรมอญโบราณ ภาษามอญ อายุพุทธศตวรรษที่ 17–18 ศิลากล่าวถึงการนิมนต์ ตชุอรหทีปนี ซึ่งน่าจะเป็นนักบวชผู้เป็นที่นับถืออย่างสูงในขณะนั้น มายังลำพูน และได้ทำบุญร่วมกับผู้ปกครองกับเจ้านายชั้นสูง ในจารึกกล่าวถึงการสร้างเจดีย์ที่มีคูหา การบริจาคที่ดิน เงิน ทอง ข้าทาส ที่สำคัญคือกล่าวถึงพระนามพระพุทธรูป 2 องค์[1] วัดได้รับพระราชทานวิสุงคามสีมาเมื่อ พ.ศ. 2437
Phra Rod
Phra Rod was created by a hermit. First discovered during the earlier days of King Rama 5 reign when a pagoda from Wat Mahawan in Lumphun province. The Thai people regard this particular amulet as Buddha of Escape, they have superb Buddhistic power, especially in protection and being safe from all dangers and disasters or misfortunes. They are made of clay and the oldest once are over 1,250 years old.
If you enquired about an amulet that could protect you from evil and dangers, one of the many amulets cited may be the Phra Rod Wat Mahawan Buddha amulet. This amulet has over thousands of history and legend attached to it.
According to the ancient legend of Haripoonchai City or Lumpoon, a northern province of Thailand. The city was completely built by a group of ascetics purely by the power of magic. Once constructed the ascetics had to consider a suitable ruler for the city. Eventually, they concluded that, Pricess Charma Dhevi, the daughter of the King of Lawar, was the most suitable person to take over the throne. Therefore, they invited Pricess Charma Dhevi from Lawa Pura or Lopburi Province to be the Queen of Haripoonchai City, and thus she became first ruler of this ancient city.
The legend also said that every town along the way that the princesses procession had passed became peaceful and the residents dwelt in a happy environment. This was all due to her prestige and grandeur. The decision made by the ascetics to choose her as the ruler was absolutely right. During the ceremony to establish her as the first ruler of Haripoonchai City, the ascetics created many amulets to protect the queen and the ancient city, including with all the local people. It was said that, the ascetics, led by Phra Vasudhep and Phra Sutunta, had brought all the amulets they created to fill an ancient pagoda of Wat Mahawan, which was the temple built by Princess Charma Dhevi, or Queen Charma Dhevi. Around thousand years later, both the temple and the pagoda were torn up by time. But the holy amulets remained in situ peacefully underground were they had been buried all that time ago.
All kinds of ingredients mentioned above are thoroughly mixed in bulk. The five molds named as follows;
Pim Yai/
Pim Krang/
Pim Lek/
Pim Tor/
Pim Teun
In the year B.E. 2480, a local peaple had found an amulet protruding from the ground at the vicinity of Wat Mahawan. He took the amulet back home to worship and found that the amulet had special powers to protect him from danger on many occasions. That's why the amulet was named "Phra Rod", because the word Rod in the Thai language means "saved owner from danger".
After that the local had told the story to his friends and soon it became a "Biggest News" in Lumpoon Province. Scores of people hastily went to the temple and attempted to recover further amulets by digging into every part of the temple ground. The more they dug, the more amulets were found. As a result they never stopped digging until the whole ground of the temple was riddled with holes. It was said that they had dug for several days continuously until nothing further was found.
Apart from their holy power, Phra Rod Wat Mahawan amulets are considered to be priceless, part of Thailand's valuable ancient heritage. Even though thousand years had passed, the amulets were unbelievably in superb condition which might be said is proof of the holiness of Phra Rod Wat Mahawan amulets. Amulet experts said that Phra Rod Wat Mahawan amulets were all in good shape, after the diggers cleaned them with water, they could see every line and emboss of the amulets so clearly.
Among the Haripunjaya tablets, other tablets such as Phra Kong and Phra Bang were also recovered. At present they are among the most desirable of all amulets. The majority of these small tablets represent the pre-Enlightenment theme, that is, the Buddha seated in the bhumisparsamudra with his legs crossed in vajrasana under the bodhi tree. Some depict bodhi leaves alone; others depict leaves as well as twigs
